Bayern Industries Inc holds interests and conducts business activities in a principal commodity in a mercantile field; those goods being steady in demand, or are known and recognized in quality

Simply put, organic farming, and ecologically friendly products.

Bayrern Industries is company.

Commercial production of olives (olive oil) and organic farming. Bayern Industries believes in pro-actively investing in the future, a healthy and environment friendly one too. Bayern Industries has set is sights on the organic agro business. Currently we hold interest in farm lands that are specially designed for organic breeding and organic farming in countries of Serbia Argentina and Chile. Our corporate plans include acquiring and managing additional farms, producing certified organic produce. Additionally we hold interests in a commercial production farmland in Argentina, consisting of approximately 400 hectares of protected crops in the north of the country dedicated to early production. In this area, there are two zones where the nematode problems are very important since crops, such as tomatoes, olives and peppers almost have a ten-month of harvest period. In one zone, soils are heavy while in other major places soils are sandy loam. In the heavy soil area, we do not use more methyl bromide. This product is used in greenhouse crops to disinfect the soil and to control nematodes and soil borne diseases. Rapid treatments for soil disinfection are required because the greenhouses are in production throughout the year.

Hospitality Services through our “Esspresso Italiano Café” brands. Esspresso Italiano specializes in serving the North American and European market with imported coffee machines and commercial food & beverage equipment from Italy as well as the Orient. So what makes Esspresso Italiano unique? Esspresso Italiano coffee beans are grown on high volcanic mountain elevations in the Brazil region and nourished on volcanic soil. Together with the cool climate and moisture from the clouds produces a smooth and rich flavor that is truly remarkable. We have searched and found only the best of the best to vend in the finest gourmet coffee beans. Esspresso Italiano coffee consumers find a wonderfully exotic experience like none other. This exotic blend is packaged in “capsules” that are spill proof and make clean up a breeze. Most restaurateurs are amazed when we introduce them to our capsule format as most have never seen the application and are use to the “pods” application. The Esspresso Italiano ango specially sealed capsule ensures that the precious coffee aroma stays perfectly preserved in its own tiny “safe”. Only when you decide it’s time for a perfect cup of coffee and place it inside your Esspresso Italiano coffee unit, is the capsule automat i cally perfo rated – guaran teeing you fresh coffee drinking pleasure each and every time.

 Real Estate Development in resort-type areas through the timeshare concept.
Initial development markets will include:

· Spain
· Bulgaria
· Panama
· Montenegro
· Mexico
· Greece 

Timeshare is a relatively complex and high-value product when compared to a traditional package holiday. As consumers look to buy a holiday experience, and not a complicated product, the marketing challenge for the timeshare industry is to persuade consumers to take the time to understand timeshare and the high-quality holiday experience that it offers. The need to convey information means that the marketing process has tended to be focused principally on direct marketing and one-to-one sales. Particular campaigns are often based on incentives to encourage prospective purchasers to visit developments or attend sales presentations. This is an effective technique when done well; but the industry has, in the past, been criticized for adopting high-pressure sales techniques which have undermined the image of the industry. To that end, once a resort has been completed, Bayern Industries management can either be carried out by an owners’ committee, a specialist management company, or the company itself. Regardless Bayern Industries will levy annual fees on timeshare owners which typically cover cleaning and maintenance; utility charges; insurance; taxes; the operation of common facilities (such as tennis courts or swimming pools); and, usually, a sinking fund to provide for major redecoration or refurbishment. The resort’s constitution also gives details of the owner’s rights and responsibilities in relation to their occupancy rights.

Management organizations will work closely with exchange companies so that the resort’s capacity is effectively utilized and its members have the maximum flexibility when choosing their holidays both at their resort and elsewhere.

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